2. ApplicablelocationsApplicable for all locations in HKSAR. 3. Deadlinesforselectingtheservice(a) Customer can select the free removal service when making purchase at ourphysical shops by signing on the invoice; or(b)
Customer can call and confirm the free removal service within 3 days afterpurchase, otherwise it will be treated as giving up on the removal service.
Customer can select the free removal service when purchasing online.
4. Removalservicetime(a) In general, removal service can be arranged after 3 working days.(b) On the appointment date, collector will remove the waste electrical andelectronic equipment at the designated location.(c) The removal of the old equipment within 14 days after the delivery of theregulated electrical equipment.(d) If the above arrangement of a-c cannot satisfy customer’s needs,
customercould give up the removal service and dispose the waste electrical andelectronic equipment by own self or select other chargeable removal services.
(e) The removal service is not available on Sunday and public holidays.
5. Reminders (a) The removal service, delivery service and installation service shall be arrangedseparately.
The waste electrical and electronic equipment can be removed atdifferent time schedule or can be removed later and stored at the removallocation temporarily.
You may contact our staff for arrangement.(b) No return once the waste equipment is collected.(c) The waste equipment shall include all internal parts, and shall be placedindividually, disconnected with other devices, systems, or placed at any placeswith obstacles.(d) If the waste equipment has any serious hygiene problems (for examples: foodscraps and litter, cockroach, ant), removal staff can refuse to remove the wasteequipment, and the customer is no longer entitled to the free removal service.(e) If customer needs to change the removal location or time, please call andinform us at least 2 working days prior to the original date of removal.(f) When black rainstorm signal/ typhoon signal No.8 or above is hoisted, removal service will not be available, and will be re-arranged.(g) On the day of removal, We shall not liable for any delay or failure in removingthe waste equipment caused by or resulting from traffic conditions, weatherconditions or any other causes beyond Our scope of control.(h) The personal information of the customer/ the contact person is used for thepurpose of the removal service only, The Company will use those informationin compliance and in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance(Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong).(i) A recycling label comes with every single regulated electrical equipment, thelabel is requested to be returned if any products exchange or return.(j) If there is any dispute, We reserve the right of final decision.
Air conditioner: includes single package type and split type room air conditioners that have acooling capacity not exceeding 7.5 kilowatts (i.e. 3 HP).
Washing machine: with a washing capacity not exceeding 10 kg.Refrigerator: with a total storage volume not exceeding 500 liters.
Television: the size of its display screen does not exceed 100 inches (measureddiagonally).
Computer: includes personal computer, desktop computer, tablet computer, laptopcomputer and notebook computer.Printer: not exceeding 30 kg in weight; one that can also be used as a photocopier,facsimile transmitter or scanner is also regarded as a printer.Scanner: not exceeding 30 kg in weight.Monitor: does not have the function of storing electronic data or computing, and the sizeof its display screen does not exceed 100 inches (measured diagonally).
A product set out in this website is regulated electrical equipment under the Product Eco-responsibility Ordinance (Cap. 603). The Ordinance imposes a recycling levy on the product as follows, product prices listed on this website have already included such fee, customers do not have to pay this fee on top of the selling price separately.
Air conditioner: $125 per item | Refrigerator: $165 per item | Washing machine: $125 per item | Television: $165 per item | Computer: $15 per item | Printer: $15 per item | Scanner: $15 per item | Monitor: $45 per item
Additional removal fee will be charged for removal service on the same day (cash on delivery)